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Pictou County Minor Hockey

Code of Conduct

In a sport that is extremely competitive and emotionally intense, it is essential that officials conduct themselves appropriately. An official's judgement and character are frequently criticized and scrutinized. It is imperative that officials do not display behaviour that will reflect a negative image.

Minor hockey is very important to the players, coaches and parents. Therefore, every assignment should be treated with the same effort and respect.

Officials should always maintain a positive frame of mind. Calls should not be made with anger. At no time should any official (on-ice or off-ice) engage in conflicts with coaches, players, parents, or spectators. Belligerence or vengeance will not be tolerated.

As a hockey official, professionalism is the cornerstone of success. Officials should act in a mature, confident and responsible way. They should exercise self-restraint when confronted with difficult situations, and demonstrate patience, tolerance and firmness.

Officials should also treat each other with respect. They should never criticise the performance of another official, on or off the ice. There are systems in place to deal with performance issues.

Officials should know the rules of the game in order to provide the best possible service to everyone involved. They should convey confidence in all decisions. If in doubt, officials are encouraged to seek advice/assistance from more experienced officials.

Officials must function effectively as a team. They should discuss techniques and possible scenarios before a game. Communication on the ice should be through signals and voice. Support for all decisions should be evident on the ice.

Linesmen are generally requested to move the nets for the arena staff, as they are often working by themselves.

The official's room is used by many other organizations. The room should be left clean when exiting the rink.



Announcement of elected officers to be brought forth at our Annual General Meeting


PCMHA: Accepting Nominations for Board Positions


Challenge Cup Rules 2024
