Pictou County Minor Hockey Association
Board of Directors
Past President
Vice President
Director of Finance
Director of Communications
Director of Registration
Director of On-Ice Operations
Director of Off-Ice Operations
Director of Development
Director of Risk Management
Administration Assistant
In these By-Laws, unless there be something in the subject or context inconsistent therewith;
a) “Association” means Pictou County Minor Hockey Association;
b) “Board of Directors” means the Board of Directors of the Association;
c) “Registrar” means the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies appointed under the NS Companies Act, and;
d) “Special Resolution” means the resolution passed by not less than 60% of such members entitled to vote as are present at a general meeting of which notice specifying the intention to propose the resolution as a special resolution has been duly given.
a) The subscribers to the Memorandum of Association, and such other persons as
shall be admitted to membership in accordance with these By-Laws, shall be
members of the Association, and their names shall be entered in the Register of
Members accordingly;
b) For the purposes of registration, the number of members of the Association is
c) The Association may be composed of the Board of Directors, coaches, registered
volunteers and other members in ‘good standing’ as defined in (d) & (e);
d) A parent or legal guardian who has a child registered with the Association, and
has paid all annual registration fees plus has no other outstanding fees owed
within the Association, will be eligible for membership in the Association and,
provided they remain a member in good standing, may exercise the right to vote
at the annual general meeting (one vote per family);
e) Two members in good standing may sponsor persons having an interest in the
Association and demonstrating willingness to actively participate in its activities
for membership, and approval of such membership shall be on a two-thirds
majority vote of the Board of Directors. Such membership shall be valid until the
next annual meeting;
f) Every member of the Association in good standing shall be entitled to attend any
Annual General Meeting of the Association and to vote at the Annual General
Meeting and to hold office, but there shall be no proxy voting;
g) Membership in the Association shall not be transferable;
h) Membership in the Association shall cease upon the death of a member or if, by
notice in writing to the Association, they resign their membership, or if they
cease to qualify for membership in accordance with these By-Laws;
i) Members in ‘good standing’ are members who abide by the Memorandum of
Association and By-Laws of the Association, the rules, articles and regulations of
Hockey Canada and Hockey Nova Scotia, have paid all their dues and fees if required to the Association, and have not had their membership suspended or revoked; and
j) The Board of Directors after a majority vote may deprive any member, who in the opinion of the Board of Directors violates either the spirit or objects of the Memorandum of Association or By-Laws of the Association, of their membership upon written notification.
a) The annual meeting of the Association shall be held within three (3) months
following the end of each fiscal year of the Association on such date as may be
determined by the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall provide notice of the
annual meeting to all active members of the Association at least fourteen (14)
days before the date on which the meeting is to be held;
b) Special meetings of the Association may be called at any time by the
President, the Board of Directors, or upon written request signed by at least
fifty (50) members in good standing. Such special meetings must be held within
thirty (30) days of such a request;
c) Notice of meetings shall be sufficiently given if advertised on the Association’s
website, through the email address provided at the time each member is
registered as a member of the Association or in a newspaper, the circulation of
which covers the geographical area of the Association, but non-receipt of such
notice by any member shall not invalidate the proceedings of any meeting.
Fifty (50) members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for a Special Meeting and twenty (20) members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for the General meeting of the Association;
d) No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Association unless a
quorum of members is present at the commencement of such business;
e) If within one-half hour from the time appointed for the meeting, a quorum of
members is not present, the meeting, if convened upon the requisition of the
members, shall be dissolved. In any other case, it shall stand adjourned to such
time and place as a majority of the members then present shall direct;
f) The President of the Association shall preside as Chairperson at every annual
and special meeting of the Association;
g) If there is no President, or if at any meeting the President is not present,
the Vice President shall preside as Chairperson;
h) If there is no President or Vice President at any meeting, the members
present shall choose someone from their number to be Chairperson;
i) The President/Chairperson shall have no vote, except in the case of an equality of votes. In the case of any equality of votes, the President/Chairperson shall have the deciding vote;
j) The President may, with the consent of the meeting, adjourn any meeting
from time to time and from place to place, but no business shall be transacted at
any adjourned meeting, other than the business left unfinished at the meeting
from which the adjournment took place, unless notice of such new business is
given to the members;
k) At any general meeting, unless a poll is demanded by at least one member, a
declaration by the President that a resolution has been carried and an entry to
that effect in the book of the proceedings of the Association shall be sufficient
evidence of the fact, without proof of the number or proportion of the members
recorded in favour of or against such resolution; and shall be immediately recorded with HNS; and
l) If a poll is demanded in the manner aforesaid, the same shall be taken in such manner as the President may prescribe (unless the demand includes a request for a secret ballot), and the result of such poll or secret ballot shall be deemed to be the resolution of the Association in general meeting.
a) Only members in good standing and present at a meeting are entitled to vote and
each member of the Association is entitled to one vote on a motion, resolution or
question put to the meeting.
a) Any members of good standing of the Association shall be eligible for election to
the Board of Directors;
b) The Board of Directors of the Association shall consist of a minimum of nine (9) and a maximum of twelve (12) elected members who shall hold office for a period of two years, and may reoffer. The members of the Board of Directors shall perform their duties without remuneration. The Administrative Assistant position is a non-voting member of the Board of Directors and it can include re-numeration at the discretion of the Board of Directors
c) The Board of Directors may appoint non-director members in good standing to fill
any non-voting positions: Officials Coordinator, Ice Scheduler, Tournament Coordinator, etc. Appointed members will only attend Board meetings as required;
d) No business shall be transacted at a Board Meeting of the Association unless a
quorum of Directors is present at the commencement of such business. A quorum shall be 50% plus one member of the Board of Directors, subject to By-Law 4(e);
e) Any Director who fails to attend a meeting shall not be deemed a member of the
Board of Directors for quorum purposes if such Director has failed to attend the
two consecutive meetings immediately preceding that meeting. Upon attendance
at a subsequent meeting, the regular membership status of persons affected by
this section shall be restored. For example, if a Board member misses three
meetings in a row the attendance required for quorum will be reduced by 1; and
f) Directors must attend a minimum of 50% of all meetings of the Board of Directors
and of the Association and shall not be absent from greater than three (3)
consecutive meetings.
a) A Nomination Committee, consisting of the immediate Past President, serving
as chairperson and two other members as appointed by the Board of Directors
shall provide a slate of members eligible for election to the Board of Directors to
fill any vacant positions. If there is no immediate Past President, the Board of
Directors will appoint 3 members to the Nomination Committee, who will select
a chairperson from among their number;
b) Notice of the call for nominations from the membership will be given 14 days
prior to the close of nominations as set out below;
c) The membership may nominate members for a Board of Directors position by
providing notice to the Director of Communications not less than thirty (30) days prior to the annual general meeting. Such notice shall set out the name of the member nominated. The nomination form must be signed by not less than two (2) members in good standing and must be signed by the nominee indicating that he or she is willing to accept the position if elected;
d) All nominated candidates must be presented to the Board of Directors for approval by simple majority prior to having that nominee stand for election;
e) A list of all duly nominated candidates and notice of election shall be
communicated to the membership, by electronic e-mail and notice on the
Association website, not less than ten (10) days prior to the annual general
meeting; and
f) Nominations from the membership must take place in accordance with By-Law
5(b). There will not be a call for nominations at the Annual General Meeting.
a) Any member of the Board of Directors shall be eligible for election as
b) Voting at the annual general meeting for positions on the Board of Directors shall
be by secret ballot. If there are more candidates than positions available on the
board in a year, those candidates with the greatest number of votes will be
declared elected until all vacant positions are filled;
c) All elections for the officers of the Association shall take place at the first
meeting of the Board of Directors following the annual general meeting;
d) To be declared elected as an officer, a candidate must receive fifty (50) percent
plus one vote of the ballots cast. In cases where more than two candidates are
offering and no candidate receives the required number of votes on a ballot, the
candidate with the fewest votes shall be eliminated and a further ballot held.
This process shall continue until a winner is determined;
e) The election of directors at the Annual General Meeting shall be conducted by
the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee. He/she shall appoint scrutineers
and he/she shall vote only to break a tie;
f) No member may hold the position of Chairperson for more than two (2)
consecutive terms (4) years, unless approved by the Board of Directors;
g) Any position not filled by election at the Annual General Meeting of the
Association, due to non-availability of candidates, may be filled through
appointment approved by the majority of the Board of Directors;
h) Any vacancy that may occur within the Board of Directors may be temporarily
filled by an appointment by the Board of Directors until the next Annual General
Meeting, at which time an election would otherwise be held for the position
i) Under no circumstances can a Nominating Committee member be offered for
candidacy. Any person having aspirations of an elected position must make his/her intentions known at the time of selection to the Nominating Committee and accordingly decline membership; and
j) An elected member of the Board of Directors may be removed from office for
violation of the attendance policy set out in By-Law 4(f) or for reasons of
incompetence or actions that contravene the policies and principles of the
Association as described in these Bylaws and the Memorandum of Association,
provided that a written complaint and recommendation of removal from office
are upheld by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors.
a) The management of the activities of the Association shall be vested in the Board
of Directors who, in addition to the powers and authorities by these By-Laws or
otherwise expressly conferred upon them, may exercise all such powers and do
all such acts and things as may be exercised or done by the Association and are
not hereby or by statute expressly directed or required to be exercised or done
by the Association in general meeting. The Board in the exercise of these powers
shall conform to any regulation or direction that may from time to time be
imposed upon it by the membership at an annual or special meeting;
b) The Board of Directors has a duty to act in the best interest of the Association.
As such, individual Directors have an obligation to declare a conflict of interest if
a potential exists for such Director’s personal interest to conflict with that of the
Board’s and to abstain from participating in any such matter;
c) Any contracts, deeds, bills of exchange or other instruments and documents
made on behalf of the Association shall be authorized by the Board of Directors
and executed on behalf of the Association by such Board of Directors members as the Board of Directors may from time to time designate;
d) The Board of Directors shall determine the roles and responsibilities required of
any appointed positions from time to time;
e) The Board of Directors is empowered to employ staff and determine their duties,
responsibilities and remuneration.
f) The Board of Directors of the Association may from time to time, with their
discretion, subject to these By-Laws:
• acquire and take by purchase, donation, devise, bequest or otherwise,
real estate and personal property, and hold, enjoy, sell, exchange, lease,
let, improve and develop the same, and erect and maintain buildings and
• raise or borrow money for the purposes of the Association;
• sign or endorse bills, notes, acceptances, cheques, contracts and other
dividends of or securities for money borrowed for the purposes aforesaid;
• with the sanction of a special resolution, issue debentures or mortgage the real property of the Association to secure payment of money borrowed
by it.
g) Neither the Board of Directors nor any person acting on their behalf shall sell,
exchange or otherwise alienate the real property of the Association with a value in excess of $1000.00 without the approval of the membership of the Association by way of special resolution duly passed at a special meeting of the Association called for that purpose, notice of which meeting has been given in writing to all members in good standing at least twenty (20) days prior to the meeting;
h) Regular monthly meetings of the Board of Directors shall generally be scheduled; however, the date and time shall be set at the immediately preceding regular monthly meeting. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President on 5 days’ notice. The Director of Communications shall provide the agenda and all materials to be considered at any meeting of the Board at least three (3) days in advance of the meeting.
a) The President shall:
j) The Director of Risk Management shall:
q) The Division Coordinators (IP, Novice, Atom, Pee Wee, Bantam, Midget) shall:
w) The Certifications Coordinator shall:
a) The Association shall file with Hockey Nova Scotia its annual statement, a list of its Board of Directors with their addresses, occupations and dates of appointment or election, and within fourteen days of a change of Board of Directors, notify of the change;
b) The Association shall file a copy in duplicate to HNS of every special resolution within fourteen days after the resolution is passed;
c) The Association shall maintain a register of its members, and shall enter in it the
names of every person who is admitted as a member of the Association, together
with the following particulars:
i. the full name and available contact information of every such person;
ii. the date on which each person is admitted as a member; and
iii. the date on which any person ceases to be a member.
d) The Association shall furnish for all members a copy of its Memorandum of Association and By-Laws and any policies adopted by the Association on the Association webpage; and
e) The books and records of the Association may be inspected by any member, upon seven (7) days’ written notice, at any reasonable time at the registered office of the Association.
a) The members of the Association may appoint an accountant at the Annual General Meeting and, on failure of the members to appoint such, the Board of Directors may do so at any time.
a) The members may repeal, amend or add to these By-Laws by a Special
Resolution. No By-Law or amendment to By-Laws shall take effect until the Board of Directors approves it; and
b) Notices to repeal, amend or add to the By-Laws must be received in writing or by electronic mail by the Director of Communications. The Director of Communications shall communicate by electronic mail and/or posting on the Association website all such proposed changes to each member fifteen (15) days before a General Meeting.
a) The fiscal year of the Association shall be the period from May 1 to April 30
Where potential conflicts in timing and ice preference exist, the following shall be the order of precedence:
1) HC sponsored Regional and National Championships.
2) HNS play-downs and championships.
3) League and play-off games.
4) Invitational tournaments.
5) Exhibition games.
Board of Directors
Past President
Vice President
Director of Finance
Director of Communications
Director of Registration
Director of On-Ice Operations
Director of Off-Ice Operations
Director of Development
Director of Risk Management
Administration Assistant
In these By-Laws, unless there be something in the subject or context inconsistent therewith;
a) “Association” means Pictou County Minor Hockey Association;
b) “Board of Directors” means the Board of Directors of the Association;
c) “Registrar” means the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies appointed under the NS Companies Act, and;
d) “Special Resolution” means the resolution passed by not less than 60% of such members entitled to vote as are present at a general meeting of which notice specifying the intention to propose the resolution as a special resolution has been duly given.
a) The subscribers to the Memorandum of Association, and such other persons as
shall be admitted to membership in accordance with these By-Laws, shall be
members of the Association, and their names shall be entered in the Register of
Members accordingly;
b) For the purposes of registration, the number of members of the Association is
c) The Association may be composed of the Board of Directors, coaches, registered
volunteers and other members in ‘good standing’ as defined in (d) & (e);
d) A parent or legal guardian who has a child registered with the Association, and
has paid all annual registration fees plus has no other outstanding fees owed
within the Association, will be eligible for membership in the Association and,
provided they remain a member in good standing, may exercise the right to vote
at the annual general meeting (one vote per family);
e) Two members in good standing may sponsor persons having an interest in the
Association and demonstrating willingness to actively participate in its activities
for membership, and approval of such membership shall be on a two-thirds
majority vote of the Board of Directors. Such membership shall be valid until the
next annual meeting;
f) Every member of the Association in good standing shall be entitled to attend any
Annual General Meeting of the Association and to vote at the Annual General
Meeting and to hold office, but there shall be no proxy voting;
g) Membership in the Association shall not be transferable;
h) Membership in the Association shall cease upon the death of a member or if, by
notice in writing to the Association, they resign their membership, or if they
cease to qualify for membership in accordance with these By-Laws;
i) Members in ‘good standing’ are members who abide by the Memorandum of
Association and By-Laws of the Association, the rules, articles and regulations of
Hockey Canada and Hockey Nova Scotia, have paid all their dues and fees if required to the Association, and have not had their membership suspended or revoked; and
j) The Board of Directors after a majority vote may deprive any member, who in the opinion of the Board of Directors violates either the spirit or objects of the Memorandum of Association or By-Laws of the Association, of their membership upon written notification.
a) The annual meeting of the Association shall be held within three (3) months
following the end of each fiscal year of the Association on such date as may be
determined by the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall provide notice of the
annual meeting to all active members of the Association at least fourteen (14)
days before the date on which the meeting is to be held;
b) Special meetings of the Association may be called at any time by the
President, the Board of Directors, or upon written request signed by at least
fifty (50) members in good standing. Such special meetings must be held within
thirty (30) days of such a request;
c) Notice of meetings shall be sufficiently given if advertised on the Association’s
website, through the email address provided at the time each member is
registered as a member of the Association or in a newspaper, the circulation of
which covers the geographical area of the Association, but non-receipt of such
notice by any member shall not invalidate the proceedings of any meeting.
Fifty (50) members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for a Special Meeting and twenty (20) members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for the General meeting of the Association;
d) No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Association unless a
quorum of members is present at the commencement of such business;
e) If within one-half hour from the time appointed for the meeting, a quorum of
members is not present, the meeting, if convened upon the requisition of the
members, shall be dissolved. In any other case, it shall stand adjourned to such
time and place as a majority of the members then present shall direct;
f) The President of the Association shall preside as Chairperson at every annual
and special meeting of the Association;
g) If there is no President, or if at any meeting the President is not present,
the Vice President shall preside as Chairperson;
h) If there is no President or Vice President at any meeting, the members
present shall choose someone from their number to be Chairperson;
i) The President/Chairperson shall have no vote, except in the case of an equality of votes. In the case of any equality of votes, the President/Chairperson shall have the deciding vote;
j) The President may, with the consent of the meeting, adjourn any meeting
from time to time and from place to place, but no business shall be transacted at
any adjourned meeting, other than the business left unfinished at the meeting
from which the adjournment took place, unless notice of such new business is
given to the members;
k) At any general meeting, unless a poll is demanded by at least one member, a
declaration by the President that a resolution has been carried and an entry to
that effect in the book of the proceedings of the Association shall be sufficient
evidence of the fact, without proof of the number or proportion of the members
recorded in favour of or against such resolution; and shall be immediately recorded with HNS; and
l) If a poll is demanded in the manner aforesaid, the same shall be taken in such manner as the President may prescribe (unless the demand includes a request for a secret ballot), and the result of such poll or secret ballot shall be deemed to be the resolution of the Association in general meeting.
a) Only members in good standing and present at a meeting are entitled to vote and
each member of the Association is entitled to one vote on a motion, resolution or
question put to the meeting.
a) Any members of good standing of the Association shall be eligible for election to
the Board of Directors;
b) The Board of Directors of the Association shall consist of a minimum of nine (9) and a maximum of twelve (12) elected members who shall hold office for a period of two years, and may reoffer. The members of the Board of Directors shall perform their duties without remuneration. The Administrative Assistant position is a non-voting member of the Board of Directors and it can include re-numeration at the discretion of the Board of Directors
c) The Board of Directors may appoint non-director members in good standing to fill
any non-voting positions: Officials Coordinator, Ice Scheduler, Tournament Coordinator, etc. Appointed members will only attend Board meetings as required;
d) No business shall be transacted at a Board Meeting of the Association unless a
quorum of Directors is present at the commencement of such business. A quorum shall be 50% plus one member of the Board of Directors, subject to By-Law 4(e);
e) Any Director who fails to attend a meeting shall not be deemed a member of the
Board of Directors for quorum purposes if such Director has failed to attend the
two consecutive meetings immediately preceding that meeting. Upon attendance
at a subsequent meeting, the regular membership status of persons affected by
this section shall be restored. For example, if a Board member misses three
meetings in a row the attendance required for quorum will be reduced by 1; and
f) Directors must attend a minimum of 50% of all meetings of the Board of Directors
and of the Association and shall not be absent from greater than three (3)
consecutive meetings.
a) A Nomination Committee, consisting of the immediate Past President, serving
as chairperson and two other members as appointed by the Board of Directors
shall provide a slate of members eligible for election to the Board of Directors to
fill any vacant positions. If there is no immediate Past President, the Board of
Directors will appoint 3 members to the Nomination Committee, who will select
a chairperson from among their number;
b) Notice of the call for nominations from the membership will be given 14 days
prior to the close of nominations as set out below;
c) The membership may nominate members for a Board of Directors position by
providing notice to the Director of Communications not less than thirty (30) days prior to the annual general meeting. Such notice shall set out the name of the member nominated. The nomination form must be signed by not less than two (2) members in good standing and must be signed by the nominee indicating that he or she is willing to accept the position if elected;
d) All nominated candidates must be presented to the Board of Directors for approval by simple majority prior to having that nominee stand for election;
e) A list of all duly nominated candidates and notice of election shall be
communicated to the membership, by electronic e-mail and notice on the
Association website, not less than ten (10) days prior to the annual general
meeting; and
f) Nominations from the membership must take place in accordance with By-Law
5(b). There will not be a call for nominations at the Annual General Meeting.
a) Any member of the Board of Directors shall be eligible for election as
b) Voting at the annual general meeting for positions on the Board of Directors shall
be by secret ballot. If there are more candidates than positions available on the
board in a year, those candidates with the greatest number of votes will be
declared elected until all vacant positions are filled;
c) All elections for the officers of the Association shall take place at the first
meeting of the Board of Directors following the annual general meeting;
d) To be declared elected as an officer, a candidate must receive fifty (50) percent
plus one vote of the ballots cast. In cases where more than two candidates are
offering and no candidate receives the required number of votes on a ballot, the
candidate with the fewest votes shall be eliminated and a further ballot held.
This process shall continue until a winner is determined;
e) The election of directors at the Annual General Meeting shall be conducted by
the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee. He/she shall appoint scrutineers
and he/she shall vote only to break a tie;
f) No member may hold the position of Chairperson for more than two (2)
consecutive terms (4) years, unless approved by the Board of Directors;
g) Any position not filled by election at the Annual General Meeting of the
Association, due to non-availability of candidates, may be filled through
appointment approved by the majority of the Board of Directors;
h) Any vacancy that may occur within the Board of Directors may be temporarily
filled by an appointment by the Board of Directors until the next Annual General
Meeting, at which time an election would otherwise be held for the position
i) Under no circumstances can a Nominating Committee member be offered for
candidacy. Any person having aspirations of an elected position must make his/her intentions known at the time of selection to the Nominating Committee and accordingly decline membership; and
j) An elected member of the Board of Directors may be removed from office for
violation of the attendance policy set out in By-Law 4(f) or for reasons of
incompetence or actions that contravene the policies and principles of the
Association as described in these Bylaws and the Memorandum of Association,
provided that a written complaint and recommendation of removal from office
are upheld by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors.
a) The management of the activities of the Association shall be vested in the Board
of Directors who, in addition to the powers and authorities by these By-Laws or
otherwise expressly conferred upon them, may exercise all such powers and do
all such acts and things as may be exercised or done by the Association and are
not hereby or by statute expressly directed or required to be exercised or done
by the Association in general meeting. The Board in the exercise of these powers
shall conform to any regulation or direction that may from time to time be
imposed upon it by the membership at an annual or special meeting;
b) The Board of Directors has a duty to act in the best interest of the Association.
As such, individual Directors have an obligation to declare a conflict of interest if
a potential exists for such Director’s personal interest to conflict with that of the
Board’s and to abstain from participating in any such matter;
c) Any contracts, deeds, bills of exchange or other instruments and documents
made on behalf of the Association shall be authorized by the Board of Directors
and executed on behalf of the Association by such Board of Directors members as the Board of Directors may from time to time designate;
d) The Board of Directors shall determine the roles and responsibilities required of
any appointed positions from time to time;
e) The Board of Directors is empowered to employ staff and determine their duties,
responsibilities and remuneration.
f) The Board of Directors of the Association may from time to time, with their
discretion, subject to these By-Laws:
• acquire and take by purchase, donation, devise, bequest or otherwise,
real estate and personal property, and hold, enjoy, sell, exchange, lease,
let, improve and develop the same, and erect and maintain buildings and
• raise or borrow money for the purposes of the Association;
• sign or endorse bills, notes, acceptances, cheques, contracts and other
dividends of or securities for money borrowed for the purposes aforesaid;
• with the sanction of a special resolution, issue debentures or mortgage the real property of the Association to secure payment of money borrowed
by it.
g) Neither the Board of Directors nor any person acting on their behalf shall sell,
exchange or otherwise alienate the real property of the Association with a value in excess of $1000.00 without the approval of the membership of the Association by way of special resolution duly passed at a special meeting of the Association called for that purpose, notice of which meeting has been given in writing to all members in good standing at least twenty (20) days prior to the meeting;
h) Regular monthly meetings of the Board of Directors shall generally be scheduled; however, the date and time shall be set at the immediately preceding regular monthly meeting. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President on 5 days’ notice. The Director of Communications shall provide the agenda and all materials to be considered at any meeting of the Board at least three (3) days in advance of the meeting.
a) The President shall:
- Preside over all Association meetings and perform all duties generally associated with the President;
- Call Special or General Meetings at any time;
- Provide leadership in determining policies and in the administration of the affairs of the Association;
- Be the official representative at all function or events, unless otherwise stipulated by the Memorandum of Association and By-laws;
- Maintain signing authority with the Board of Directors of the Association;
- By reason of his/her office, shall automatically be an ex-officio member of all Association committees;
- Shall be responsible for the liaison between the Association and Hockey Nova Scotia’s Minor Council;
- Submit a report at the Annual General Meeting;
- In the event of extended absence Vice President will act in his/her stead.
- Chair the Nominations Committee of the Association;
- Chair the Conflict Resolution Committee of the Association;
- Offer advice and guidance to the Board of Directors when requested.
- Report to and perform all duties assigned by the Board of Directors and, in the absence of the President, exercise the powers and duties of President;
- Be responsible for the administrative functions of the Association including rules, regulations, and policy including the processing of any amendments to the By Laws;
- Assist the Board of Directors as required;
- Submit a report for the Annual General Meeting.
- Oversee the financial operations and manage funds as the Board of Directors may approve or direct;
- Advise the Board of Directors on decisions having a financial impact;
- Ensure that internal controls are secured to prevent or detect fraud or error in the financial records or reports;
- Prepare and present written financial reports to regular Executive and Board of Directors’ meetings;
- Manage the year-end financial statement preparation and present the same at Annual General Meeting;
- Liaise with financial institutions on matters such as authorized signatures and managing accounts;
- Invest funds as the Board of Directors may approve or direct;
- Ensure that all required Canada Revenue Agency and Registry of Joint Stock filings are up to date and report the status of the accounts regularly to the Board of Directors;
- Be a member of the Executive Committee;
- Offer advice and oversight regarding all fundraising events;
- Present a report of the year’s financial position at the Annual General Meeting.
- Ensure that minutes of all Association meetings are recorded and are distributed within five (5) days to all concerned;
- Shall be responsible for the conduct of any correspondence and the official communications and ensure the President has full knowledge of it;
- Shall oversee, instruct, and communicate information, as directed by the Board of Directors, to all Team Managers;
- Ensure the Association website, Facebook page, and any social media is constantly updated and maintained in a transparent, professional, and organized manner;
- Maintain security and safekeeping of all files, books and records of the Association;
- Distribute all material deemed necessary by the Memorandum of Association and By-Laws;
- Oversee and instruct the Communications, Promotional, and Webpage Coordinators;
- Notify members of meetings and other activities in accordance with the By-Laws;
- Perform other duties assigned by the Board of Directors.
- Be responsible for the organization and administration of the registration of Association players;
- Maintain a register of all players, coaches, officials, and registered volunteers and provide such information to the Board of Directors and Hockey Nova Scotia;
- Coordinate the annual registration with Hockey Nova Scotia;
- Table the report on players’ registrations for the year at the Annual General Meeting;
- Correspond with members regarding outstanding registration fees and late payments. Assist outstanding members with payment plans and offer information regarding financial assistance programs;
- Be a member of the Executive Committee;
- Present a report of the year’s financial position at the Annual General Meeting.
- Be responsible for the overall coordination, administration and supervision of recreational and competitive hockey in the Association;
- Ensure all teams are established by the Division Coordinators using policies as outlined by HNS and the Association;
- Meet regularly with Division Coordinators but especially at the commencement of the season to inform and advise of policies to ensure policy is being followed;
- Instruct Division Coordinators with team selection with regards to skill balanced leagues;
- Work with coaches and evaluators to develop coaching training supports and certification;
- Be a member of the Conflict Resolution Committee of the Association for conflicts arising out of on-ice incidents; and
- Present a report at the Annual General Meeting.
- Maintain an equipment inventory conjunction with Division Coordinators;
- Maintain and control access to Association equipment room(s) in conjunction with Division Coordinators;
- Determine sources of supply and recommend affordable equipment purchases, arrange for handling, storage, repair, cleaning, keep equipment loan records, and issue and return of jerseys in conjunction with Division Coordinators;
- Coordinate with Ice Schedulers and On-Ice Director to determine and execute the annual ice requirements of the Association;
- Oversee and coordinate with the Officials Coordinator;
- Prepare a report on equipment, official coordinating, and ice scheduling for the Annual General Meeting.
- Coordinate initiatives and activities aimed at developing players, coaches, and officials and ensure consistent delivery to all participants;
- Establish and a Coach & Technical Coordination Committee to provide advice and mentoring to players, coaches, and officials, and to implement developmental sessions, schools, or clinics as required by the Association;
- Create technical resources such as drills, strategies, and related resources to assist programs and teams;
- Coordinate annual Hockey Nova Scotia certification of Association coaches;
- Coordinate and administer the annual Development Weekend;
- Communicate external development opportunities for players, coaches, and officials;
- Develop the Association technical curriculum and recommend initiatives to the Board of Directors;
- Establish and oversee a Team Selection/Recruitment Committee to implement the annual Association tryout process;
- In cooperation with Division Coordinators, coordinate all Association development resources and equipment; and
- Prepare a report for the Annual General Meeting on Development activities.
j) The Director of Risk Management shall:
- Oversee that safety precautions are in effect in arenas during Association ice rentals;
- Establish safety and risk management awareness in the Association through related initiatives and communication;
- Recommend safety requirements and regulations to the Board of Directors for adoption by the Association and coordinate implementation of the same for teams and officials;
- Review emergency response procedures for arenas and facilities used by the Association and communicate these to members;
- Follow up on any injuries to players, coaches, and officials, and report any tendering or concerns to the Board of Directors, and be responsible to ensure that all insurance claims are completed and forwarded to the insurance company, and to confirm completion;
- Coordinate with Hockey Operations and Development to ensure all requirements of the Hockey Canada Safety Program are being implemented, that all players, coaches, and officials are wearing proper equipment, and that all coaches have the appropriate certifications and qualifications as required by Hockey Nova Scotia;
- Have the power to recommend suspension of any player, coach, or official who wilfully neglects safety regulations that could cause injury;
- Be a member of the Conflict Resolution Committee of the Association; and
- Prepare a report on Risk Management activities for the Annual General Meeting.
- Report to and perform all duties assigned by the Association and Board of Directors and exercise the powers and duties assigned;
- Assist the Director of Communications when required with Agenda, Meeting Minutes, Correspondence, Committees, etc;
- Shall be responsible for the conduct of any correspondence and the official communications and ensure the President and Board of Directors has full knowledge of it;
- Be responsible to maintain current and accurate payments of registrations, insurance, ice rentals, clinics, any and all outstanding bills, and account for all financials in conjunction and with approval of the Finance Committee;
- Maintain and operate all functions of registration as directed by the Director of Registration, including that of the Hockey Canada Registry maintenance, Online Registration, record all registered players’ data, process player transfers, over-aged player applications, register all teams and coaches by deadlines assigned by Hockey Nova Scotia.
- Maintain and operate all functions risk management as directed by the Director of Risk Management for the recording of coaches and bench staff, submission of documents, recording of eHockey Profiles, communication with coaches/bench staff regarding credentials, maintain documents on site and with confidentiality, and to ensure that only certified individuals are approved.
- Maintain communication between the Association and Hockey Nova Scotia with Notices, Suspensions, Risk Management, etc.
- Be responsible for supply of Game Sheets, Stop Signs, and any necessary tools required to conduct according to regulations,
- Be responsible for Community Grant Applications;
- Be responsible for Event Sanctioning Permits when required;
- Maintain security and safekeeping of all files, books, correspondence, financial information and records of the Association;
- Oversee coordination and supervision of Fundraising as directed by and under the supervision of the Association;
- Be responsible for communication of information to the Director of Communications;
- Attend Board of Director meetings, when required; and
- Prepare a report for the Annual General Meeting.
- Oversee coordination and supervision of Sponsorship as directed by and under the supervision of the Association;
- Be responsible for communication of information to the Director of Communications;
- Attend Board of Director meetings, when required; and
- Prepare a report for the Annual General Meeting.
- Be responsible for the execution of HNS sanctioned tournaments under the Association’s direction and approval, and to oversee the planning and organization of such tournaments;
- Be responsible for communication of information to the Director of Communications;
- Attend Board of Director meetings, when required; and
- Prepare a report for the Annual General Meeting.
- Be responsible for maintenance and execution of registration duties assigned by the Director of Registration and Board of Directors;
- Attend Board of Director meetings, when required; and
- Prepare a report for the Annual General Meeting.
- Be responsible for website maintenance and posting of information under the direction of the Director of Communications and Board of Directors;
- Attend Board of Director meetings, when required; and
- Prepare a report for the Annual General Meeting.
q) The Division Coordinators (IP, Novice, Atom, Pee Wee, Bantam, Midget) shall:
- Oversee coordination and supervision of minor hockey in their respective division.
- Attend Board of Director meetings, when required;
- Be responsible for minor hockey activities of the division in which they oversee;
- Cooperate with the Administrative Assistant to ensure all players associated with minor hockey in each division are properly registered;
- Establish a schedule for leagues and playoff games for all minor hockey for their respective division in accordance with allotted ice schedules;
- Ensure suspensions/discipline adheres to the Board of Directors’ Code of Discipline and HNS’s Minor Council;
- Notify and coordinate with Director of On-Ice Operations with any related requirements for ice scheduling, equipment, jerseys, officials, and any other requirements to execute teams;
- Coordinate with Director of Development and Director of On-Ice Operations to secure fair and unbiased committees to approve coach selection and team appointment;
- Prepare a report for the Annual General Meeting.
- Be responsible for the acquisition and scheduling of ice time as it relates to evaluations, tryouts, games, practices, and clinics, under the direction of the Director of Off-Ice Operations;
- Organize a season long schedule for division leagues, assuring a balance of ice allotment, once teams have been established;
- Prepare season long calendars for each team/league for distribution at the commencement of the season;
- Assist the Division Coordinators with scheduling and coaching staffs with scheduling of games;
- Meet with arena managers prior to start up to review rates, availability, and address any concerns, and communicate with said throughout the season;
- Provide a monthly report to the Director of Off-Ice Operations on ice usage;
- Attend Board of Director meetings, when required; and
- Prepare a report for the Annual General Meeting.
- Be responsible for assigning on-ice officials for all the Association’s games under the direction of the Director of Off-Ice Operations and the Association;
- Be responsible for the scheduling and organizing of referee clinics;
- Advise the Board of Directors on remuneration for officials;
- Monitor on-ice officials’ performance;
- Maintain the recording of games officiated through the Association’s website;
- Coordinate with the Director of Off-Ice Operations, Director of On-Ice Operations, Division Coordinators, coaches, and team managers;
- Prepare a report on equipment, official coordinating, and ice scheduling for the Annual General Meeting.
- Oversee coordination and supervision of equipment and jerseys directed by and under the supervision of the Director of Off-Ice Operations;
- Be responsible for communication of information to the Director of Communications;
- Attend Board of Director meetings, when required; and
- Prepare a report for the Annual General Meeting.
- In conjunction with the HNS and the Association’s qualification requirements, work with the Director of Development to ensure there are enough coaches for each team’s requirements and that all coaches hold appropriate credentials;
- Provide all relevant information to the Director of Development and to the Administrative Assistant to ensure coach qualifications are managed and recorded in the Hockey Canada Registry properly;
- Assist the Director of Development to achieve an understanding of the role of coaching, arrange appropriate training sessions and clinics, meet with coaches to discuss performance and feedback, and assist other coaches when necessary;
- Assist the Director of Development with coach selection, evaluations, tryouts;
- Attend Board of Director meetings, when required; and
- Prepare a report for the Annual General Meeting.
- Be responsible for execution of duties assigned by the Director of Development and Board of Directors;
- Assist the Director of Development and Coach Coordinator with coaching, training, clinics, performance and development;
- Attend Board of Director meetings, when required; and
- Prepare a report for the Annual General Meeting.
w) The Certifications Coordinator shall:
- Be responsible for execution of duties assigned by the Director of Risk Management and Board of Directors;
- Attend Board of Director meetings, when required; and
- Prepare a report for the Annual General Meeting.
a) The Association shall file with Hockey Nova Scotia its annual statement, a list of its Board of Directors with their addresses, occupations and dates of appointment or election, and within fourteen days of a change of Board of Directors, notify of the change;
b) The Association shall file a copy in duplicate to HNS of every special resolution within fourteen days after the resolution is passed;
c) The Association shall maintain a register of its members, and shall enter in it the
names of every person who is admitted as a member of the Association, together
with the following particulars:
i. the full name and available contact information of every such person;
ii. the date on which each person is admitted as a member; and
iii. the date on which any person ceases to be a member.
d) The Association shall furnish for all members a copy of its Memorandum of Association and By-Laws and any policies adopted by the Association on the Association webpage; and
e) The books and records of the Association may be inspected by any member, upon seven (7) days’ written notice, at any reasonable time at the registered office of the Association.
a) The members of the Association may appoint an accountant at the Annual General Meeting and, on failure of the members to appoint such, the Board of Directors may do so at any time.
a) The members may repeal, amend or add to these By-Laws by a Special
Resolution. No By-Law or amendment to By-Laws shall take effect until the Board of Directors approves it; and
b) Notices to repeal, amend or add to the By-Laws must be received in writing or by electronic mail by the Director of Communications. The Director of Communications shall communicate by electronic mail and/or posting on the Association website all such proposed changes to each member fifteen (15) days before a General Meeting.
a) The fiscal year of the Association shall be the period from May 1 to April 30
Where potential conflicts in timing and ice preference exist, the following shall be the order of precedence:
1) HC sponsored Regional and National Championships.
2) HNS play-downs and championships.
3) League and play-off games.
4) Invitational tournaments.
5) Exhibition games.